Pioneering renewable energy for business and communities & more
Pioneering renewable energy for business and communities & more
If you want to talk about WolfeWare's advisory services, please just email us with your phone or contact details
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© WolfeWare Limited 2014-18
A major part of WolfeWare's activities is to provide advice and expertise to investors and businesses on topics where we have expertise, especially renewable and sustainable energy.
The scope of this work is generally in the following areas:
Consultancy advice on strategic planning and business development
Briefing investors on developments within the sector
Policy development and advisory work
See selected client reference list here.
Serving on advisory boards or as a non-executive director
See further details here.
Our experience in the community energy sector shows that it is best supported in a way that differs from traditional commercial consultancy. Communities for Renewables (with which WolfeWare is indirectly connected) can provide development support for community renewable energy projects. WolfeWare also advises in this area as described here.
Writing articles, book chapters and reports
Verbal and written evidence to government and parliamentary select committees
Addressing conferences, meetings and seminars
Lecturing at universities and to students and trainees
For more information on these activities, see here.
If you want to talk about any of these services, or other support we could offer you, please just email us with your phone or contact details, and ideally a summary of your requirements.