Pioneering renewable energy for business and communities & more
Pioneering renewable energy for business and communities & more
The community energy sector in the UK is now developing more rapidly.
Links to related sites:
WolfeWare website:
© WolfeWare Limited 2014-18
WolfeWare is able to provide specific support for the development of community energy schemes, as detailed here.
In addition we are involved in the formation of a collaborative action programme and a representative association for the sector as further outlined below.
An association is being formed, currently under the working title of Community Energy England.
Input from prospective members is being canvassed through a survey available here.
WolfeWare's Philip Wolfe is on the steering group for this activity.
While the association is being established, an action programme addressing three priority areas has been setup with participation from a wide range of organisations active in the community energy sector.
Further details of the Community Energy Action Programme are available on this website.